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By its very nature, this site is always "under construction". Since the organization is completely managed by the software, documents may be added or updated by anyone, at any time. I have therefore no hesitation about opening the site early and with very sparse contents: please revisit from time to time if any of the subjects interest you. | ||||
![]() Collaboration Conferencing Global Groupware Publishing Library |
The WebÞing SystemWebÞing is a native WWW application. WebÞing brings collaborative authoring and publication to the Web, supporting groupware facilities previously limited to the office LAN. In addition to the InterFAQ database and threaded discussion groups of the original (Nov.95) WebÞing, it now supports workgroup-based access control, and full revision control. WebÞing presents a collection in the manner of a traditional book, maintaining Table of Contents and Index as separate searchable databases. WebÞing can import a document from elsewhere on the Web. Moreover, it also supports virtual documents, imported by reference only. In either case, the document in question will gain the benefit of WebÞing's collaboration and conferencing facilities. WebÞing introduces Holistic HyperText to the Web. HTML Links between WebÞing documents are generated automatically by the system, and guaranteed to be up-to-date when you read a document. Authors are liberated from the chore of maintaining links, and are free to concentrate on contents. | ||||
![]() Applications Intranet Programming FAQ Bulletin Board CGI Help |
The WebÞing WebCentreThe WebÞing WebCentre is yet another resource centre for web programming, and is home to documents including the CGI Programming FAQ. The focus of the WebCentre is Web and Intranet Applications. Webpage design and HTML authoring are of secondary interest. The WebÞing system is itself a groupware/CSCW application, and permits any user with a Web Browser to participate in its authoring (you will need a cookie-enabled browser to take advantage of this, though). You are encouraged to add relevant new documents to the site, or to air your views on what we have In addition to the FAQs, tutorials and such documents, we provide a CGI debugging centre, offering free automated services to help you with your own programming. Although HTML is not the focus of this site, we do believe in getting it right. You are invited to validate the HTML of any WebÞing page. Remember to select HTML/3.2 (Wilbur)! (note: this does not apply to Frames versions of WebÞing) | ||||
![]() Earth Observation SATFAQ and Other FAQs Gateways Database Browse Inventory Directory Services |
The Universal Earth Observation CollectionThe Satellite Imagery FAQ has become an active document. In addition to the SATFAQ and related documents, it provides the facility for organic growth. You can contribute documents or comment on the existing ones. If you have something to say, join the SATFAQ workgroup, and help me maintain it: it's no more work (say) to update a stale link in it than to mail me the details. And if you have something substantial to add, just write it straight in, or import it from your server.
The SATFAQ now includes a "gateways" collection, providing query interface to the world's major databases, inventories and browse archives. The SATFAQ does not attempt to duplicate their function, but enables you to submit a query directly from here. We may also act as a proxy to membership-only services: at the time of writing we have yet to negotiate access with the owners of any of these. The SATFAQ autoresponder is now pre-operational, and will send you documents in the Earth Observation collection by email. It is not yet integrated with the Web software, so documents offered may not be exactly those on the Website. Send blank email for information by email. This was of course the first InterFAQ. The software has been updated, and it has moved to what will hopefully prove a more reliable host. The old site is dead, although the same software can still be seen in action here. The one-stop website for Earth Observation! | ||||
![]() Publishing Library Auto-referencing Collaborative Authoring and refereeing |
The Library of the WebÞingThis is a demonstrator of the WebÞing model for scholarly publishing on the Web. The key feature WebÞing has to offer (over and above other systems) is autoreferencing. The Library auto-references on authors, so that every reference in a paper is expanded automatically to a hypertext link, if and only if the referenced paper is also available in the library. Only peer-reviewed, published papers will be accepted in the Library. We will hold abstracts, and (exceptionally) full papers, online. This may be relaxed to include submitted papers currently undergoing peer review (which will be clearly marked as such), but only under the supervision of an established publisher. Write access is limited to workgroup members. If you want to add a paper of yours, please ask to be added to an appropriate access control list. Note that you must first obtain the permission of the copyright holder.
If you are an academic publisher, please contact me to discuss setting up a dedicated WebÞing collection to serve your publishing needs. |